A Message from our Principal, Michelle Contich
I continue to learn and grow as an educator, an administrator, a mom and as a person who is passionate about student and teacher growth. My journey sometimes seems quick, although I have been in education for thirty one years. I have worn many hats, as have most educators, and have served in many positions through the years. I have taught kindergarten, second grade, and third grade, and have been principal of three different elementary schools. I was the Director of Assessment and Professional Development here in Williamson County, and finally, the Coordinator of Professional Learning. These days, I am the principal of Lipscomb Elementary, a school that I love! I hope I get to stay here for quite a while!
Lipscomb is the most wonderful school! What a great feeling it is to know that we are all a part of the best educational experience. Lipscomb has super students who do their personal best, dedicated teachers and staff who always put children first, and fabulous parent volunteers that meet all of our calls for assistance and help us meet our goals. We strongly believe in the philosophy that working together in a combined partnership benefits students, academically, as well as the whole child.
We believe that teachers do make a difference in the lives of children. At Lipscomb we work hard to build a culture and climate of trust and appreciation for each other. The nature of the relationships that we have as a staff directly impact that of our students. We want everyone who enters this building to trust us and work with us to benefit our wonderful students.
We believe in strong communication and encourage parents, students, and teachers to talk, listen, share ideas, and work together to better our school community.
Michelle Contich, Principal